Monday 21 December 2015

I have a book problem!!!

Help I have a book problem!

Hi there readers, I don't know if any of you have the same book related problem as I do, but I seem to buy books even though I have literally a bookshelf of books that have not been read. I am not joking either it's shocking I know how did I let it get to this state? Let me explain by bullet pointing the main reasons I think it has gotten into this state!   
  • I do not put enough time into read or life gets to busy
  • I find really cheap books and can not resist
  • I read to many book reviews then have to have that book/books
  • I want way to many booktube videos on youtube then have to have the books I think I would like.
  • I can not resist buying books especially if I have found them hard to find or part of a series I have not even started yet

So those are the just some of the reasons I think my bookshelf have become a place for my unread books collection. I will just say I have managed to read some of these books on my bookshelf have been read and enjoyed and loved for the most part.

Let me know if you have any similar book problems or if you have any help or advice for my problem and don't just say stop buying books as that is obvious and I have tried to... honest  


Thanks for reading
Stacey the bookworm